Election Results: 50% Counted

At just overt 50.36% of the polling places counted: (11021832 votes)

Candidate 50% Counted
Viktor Yanukovych 36.75%
Yulia Tymoshenko 24.47%
Serhiy Tihipko 13.05%
Arseniy Yatsenyuk 6.79%
Viktor Yushchenko 4.85%
Petro Symonenko 3.67%
Volodymyr Lytvyn 2.43%
Against all 2.23%
Oleh Tyahnybok 1.30%
Anatoliy Hrytsenko 1.17%
Inna Bohoslovska 0.43%
Oleksandr Moroz 0.42%
Yuriy Kostenko 0.22%
Liudmyla Suprun 0.19%
Vasyl Protyvsikh 0.17%
Oleksandr Pabat 0.14%
Serhiy Ratushnyak 0.13%
Mykhailo Brodskiy 0.06%
Oleh Riabokon 0.03%

Progressive Election Results

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