Ukraine opposition says Constitutional Court 'a farce' - Yulia Tymoshenko

Ukrainian opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko has described a Constitutional Court session reviewing President Yushchenko's decree dissolving parliament as "a farce," and urged the president to recall the judges appointed on his quota.

Source: RIA Novosit

"The Constitutional Court in its present form cannot and must not be an arbiter," she said.

She said the crisis can only be resolved by going to the country, not a handful of people who are neither free nor unbiased.

"We will not accept the decision of this Constitutional Court, because it cannot be legal," Tymoshenko said.

Ukraine's Constitutional Court said earlier Tuesday it decided to study a presidential decree ordering the dissolution of parliament nonstop, from April 17 through 27, until a final ruling is passed.

The decision was upheld by 11 out of 18 judges.


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