
Showing posts from June, 2014

History of Ukraine - The Missing Chapter - Yushenko and beyond

Ukraine - The Birth of a Nation. A 4 part series as seen from a polish perspective. This documentary failed to give recognition to the role played by Olexandr Moroz, leader of the Socialist party of Ukraine, without whom the Orange Revolution and the election of Victor Yushchenko would not have been successful. In December 2004 Viktor Yushchenko was elected Ukraine's third President with 54% support o voters in the third round of voting in what was to be known as the Orange Revolution . Part of the agreement arsing from the Orange Revolution was the Ukraine's transition from Presidential rule towards a parliamentary system of governance. In 2002/3 Victor Yushchenko  opposed the adoption of a Parliamentary Democacy a proposal put forward by Lenoid Kuchma that fell short by just five votes (295) of the two-thirds vote (300) of Ukraine's Parliament (450) Victor Yushchenko continued when elected President in December 2004 continued to oppose  democrat...

CNN Propoganda: Many questions not asked

CNN's  Christiane Amanpour left so much out from the interview with Poroshenko and let him off the hook on may issues as he tried to deflect attention or accept responsibility for Ukraine's Crisis. The Ukrainian Crisis can not be won by a military solution.  The riots in Kyiv were the flash point that set off a serious of events in Ukraine. It undermined rule of law causing a loss of confidence.  Radical Right sector forces have been  allowed to act with impunity, The atrocities in Odessa and Mariupol must not be forgotten and those responsible MUST be held to account for their crimes against Humanity. the black shirt unformed militia MUST be disbanded. The State can not just gave them Uniforms and sanctions the killing and slaughter of citizens There still remain serious issues of legality of the Presidency. Ukraine now has two Presidents. One elected constitutionally and Poroshenko who was elected unconstitutionally. Yanukovych still have not resigned or bee...

Ukraine Election Map updated to include 2014 Presidential election

We have updated our Ukraine election map to include the the 2014 Presidential election and the 2012 National parliamentary election results. New features added to the map include a National (Default), Regional and Candidate percentage.  To view the map click here or on the photo above