Wikileaks: Cables from Kyiv U.S. Embassy

There are a number of very interesting cables issued by the Kyiv U.S. Embassy and published by Wikileaks.

They provide a fascinating insight and review of the period in the lead-up to the 2006 Parliamentary elections and beyond.  From 2005-12-23 to 2010-02-26  (If only Wikileaks published cables from the beginning of 2004)

Readers are encouraged to consider denotations to Wikileaks to help them in their quest for open and transparent governance.

There was an interesting aside on comments by Olexandr Moroz (SPU) dated Feb 2005 on the Russian gas deal stuck by Yushchenko.

 2. (C) A clearly unhappy Socialist Party (SPU) leader 
Oleksandr Moroz blasted the GOU handling of the gas crisis 
and the resulting deals with Russia, said he was appalled at 
the GOU decisions taken, and emphasized that Ukraine had 
other options, even though filing an appeal at the Stockholm 
Court of Arbitration would have taken too much time in the 
dead of a cold winter.  Moroz expressed particular irritation 
at President Yushchenko's constant public statements that 
everything was okay with the deal when it seemed clear that 
the deal hurt Ukrainian national interests.  Moroz expressed 
sadness as well, because the handling of the contracts 
clearly signaled that those who had signed off on the deal 
had their personal interests in mind.  Moroz could not fathom 
why Yushchenko had said Ukraine had won, when it seemed clear 
that Russia had stuck to its position and Ukraine had given 


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