Decisive Stability; Yushchenko kept on the outer

Ukraine new Government has been installed in a with what could be described as a military like precision restoring a sense of purpose and determination, the sought  of stability that can only be achieved if the head of state and the parliament are of one mind. A reminder of what could have been achieved had Yushchenko acted in supportive role as opposed to his consistent undermining of confidence and stability.

It is this sought to determination that has dominated the acceptance of a government that otherwise would be considered unconstitutional.  Yes the new government has the support of a majority of MP's but only with the support of  a group of dissident MP's from both Bloc Tymoshenko and Our Ukraine-Peoples' Self Defence.

The new coalition comprises 16 individual deputies - six members of the faction from the Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko, another six from the Our Ukraine-People's Self-Defense faction and four independent deputies

Questions of constitutionality and legitimacy of the new government have been ignored with the government declaring that the changes to the law can not be undone.  Justice Minister Oleksandr Lavrynovych stated that "the parliamentary coalition will remain unchanged even if the country's Constitutional Court rules these amendments unconstitutional".  A bold statement of defiance, if ever, from Ukraine's highest legal official. It in itself raises concern at the type of government that has been installed.  A government that will surely be characterised more as a constitutional coup then a democracy.

Some of the decisions that the government has been quick to act on is the replacement of Pro-Yushchenko and Tymoshenko officials, the restoration of close ties with Russia and the declaration of non alliance/independence from NATO, writing off compeetely failed policies of Yushchenko's era..

Of course we will soon see a return of the Parliamentary blockage with six parties agreeing to form the Opposition with Yulia Tymoshenko appointed Opposition leader.  Tymoshenko will once again take the take of chief antagonist but her voice may be lost in the rush of activity as the new government strengthens its hold on power. The role of the west has been somewhat subdued but in time they will undoubtedly seek to exert influence for Ukraine's policy of closer ties with Russia.

Yushchenko's greatest mistake, apart from not forming a governing coalition back in 2006 was his dismissal of the Yanukovych government in 2007, at least then there he was in office and had the ability to influence the outcome. Now he is already a forgotten force and a reminder of just how bad instability can be, not only on the economy but also the direction that a government can take. Yes, stability has been restored but at what cost is yet to be seen. Things are changing at a fast pace and the Communist party are in a much stronger position then they were back in 2007. All thanks to Yushchenko.


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