Constitutional Crisis: Moroz on CC ruling

CC ruling provokes snap parliamentary and presidential elections

CC ruling repealing 2004 constitutional amendments should be followed by snap parliamentary and presidential elections, honorary leader of the Socialist party Olexandr Moroz says, his press service reported Oct. 3.

The big question now is which way Ukraine will take, Moroz said. “This depends on how democratic our new president is and on VR lawmakers who will have to find the way out of the resulting legal stalemate, Moroz continued.

If the CC ruling is considered legal, there is need to hold snap parliamentary and presidential elections.

However, the constitution does not envisage such procedure, and therefore, there will be manipulation of constitutional provisions, Moroz went on.

Viktor Yanukovych was elected to office under the 2004 Constitution which detailed his authority.

Verkhovna Rada was also elected in 2007 for 5 years and is supposed to have the authority envisaged by the 2004 Constitution. Under the new Constitution, lawmakers are elected for 4 years, Moroz noted.


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