Poll: Eighty-three percent of Ukrainians would definitely not vote for incumbent President Viktor Yuschenko

Source Kyivpost

Eighty-three percent of Ukrainians would definitely not vote for incumbent President Viktor Yuschenko at the next presidential election, an opinion poll suggests.

Oleh Tiahnybok, leader of the nationalist Svoboda group, was second to Yuschenko in the "presidential anti-rating" poll taken jointly by the Yaremenko Ukrainian Institute of Social Studies and the Social Monitoring Center.

Seventy-eight percent named Tiahnybok when asked, "Who would you vote for under no circumstances?"

Parliamentary deputy Iryna Bohoslovska came third with 75%.

Anatoliy Hrytsenko, head of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, and Communist Party leader Petro Symonenko each received 73%.

Former prime minister Viktor Yanukovych, leader of the opposition Party of Regions, and Arseniy Yatseniuk, leader of the Front for Change public initiative, were at the bottom of the list, with 45% and 47% respectively.
Yanukovych also enjoys the greatest support, the poll suggests. He would win 33.9% of votes if the election were held next Sunday.

Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko would receive 21.3%, while Yatseniuk would drum up just 11.1%
The survey, carried out on October 2-12, also suggests that the electorate has been increasingly active for the past month - 56% of those questioned said they were determined to go to the polls in the presidential election compared with 48% who declared such intentions in a poll on August 15-22.

Four percent said in October's survey were determined to stay away from voting compared to 5% in July.

The returns of both polls were made public at a news conference at the headquarters of the Interfax-Ukraine news agency on Monday.

A minimum of 10,400 people in 509 cities, towns and villages across Ukraine were said to have been questioned in both surveys.

The presidential election is set for January 17, 2010.


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