Presidential election time table
Ukraine's Central Election Commission (CEC) has published the time table for the Presidential election
- October 19: Official 90 day Election Campaign period commences
- October 20 to November 6: Nominations open
- November 9: Deadline for nomination documents/submissions
- CEC has five days to assess and approve or reject nominations
- November 11: Deadline for candidates to submit any corrections to documentation
- November 13: CEC to finalise registration of nominations
- November 15: CEC to publish nomination lists of candidates
- CEC provides certified copies of the voters list to all candidates.
- Within Three days of registration Candidates must provide a statement of assets and income
- Candidates allowed to commence official campaign one day after registration is finalised.
- December 15: CEC to approve ballot paper format ready for printing.
- January 2: Last day for public opinion polls to be published prior to election.
- January 9: All ballot papers to be printed and ready for distribution to polling stations/districts.
- January 15: Last day of public campaigning before polling day
- January 17: Election Polling commences 8AM and closes 10PM