All Ukraine wants for Christmas is a new President

The 2010 Orthodox Christmas of the Death, Blind and dumb

As Ukraine celebrates the Orthodox Christmas there is little change in Christmas expectations and the countries hopes and dreams for a true democratic state.

Ukraine's Christmas will be 10 days late this year. Whether it is Yanukovych or Tymoshenko in the box is yet to be seen.

Viktor Yushchenko is set to lose office and his efforts to force candidates from his own faction to withdraw have fallen on death ears. The sound of one candidate clapping.

With less then 10 days remaining Yushchenko ties to issue directives but no longer commands any authority with all pundits expecting him to lose office. Yushchenko stands accused of lying  and the courts have found him guility of libel as he merclessly attacks his estranged partner, Yulia Tymoshyenko, who he is targetting ahead of any other candidate and supporting Yanukovych in the process.

Ukraine's leading candidate Viktor Yanukovych is cruising to victory. Free from attack Yanukovych, has gone on the defensive, releasing a series of policy statements establishing Ukraine as a independent democratic state.

Ultra nationalist candidate, Oleh Tiahnybok, leader of the all-Ukrainian Freedom association has declared war on Crimea sparking  mass protests whilst  Yushchenko tries to oust him from the election.

And other candidates proposed unification also falls on death ears.


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